Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Better Late Than Never First Poem for Poetry Month!

There was an old woman from Sandon

 who searched for a new home to land in

She knocked on a door

 with a red light hung o'er

& declared she'd just wash and haul sheets in!


Sandon is a near by ghost town with a handful of permanent residents and a few more who arrive to spend the summer in their turn of the last century houses or new board and batten cabins. There is a Sandon Historical Society who runs the museum, which is housed in an old red brick building and a replica station building of the old Kaslo to Sandon and Sandon to Rosebery and Nakusp rail lines. Cross-country skiers can warm up in the 'station' and we love the abandoned railway trackbeds to ski on for miles on gentle grades and a few chutes from Cody, an even smaller ghost town further up in the mountains. There is an historic, and still-functioning hydro-electric station, the Silversmith Power & Light, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2023.

But back to the limerick. As well as a grand opera house, a hospital, haberdasheries, hotels, churches and many bars to heal and/or entertain the thousands of miners who once lived and worked the silver, lead and zinc seams from the 1890's onward, there were at least thirteen brothels. For some reason I thought of the avalanches, fires and floods which plagued the town and a displaced old woman who had lost her home and needed another one fast!

 A wintery photo of "downtown" Sandon, well worth the visit.

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