Pathogenesis can be parsed in two
even by those of us without a Latin underpinning
grammatically speaking
'patho' root of pathology
the study of decay and death
& the causes thereof, aka genesis
the beginning of bacteria
galloping viruses, microbes
fleas, rats, sneezes, sewage, infected blankets
toxic water, mouldy crowded dwellings
shared with chickens & bovines
a world of human migrations
& privations, like the caves
upon which the Neanderthals
-yes, those early low-brows get a bad rap-
impressed their paint-wet palms, left carvings
were wiped out by sub-Saharan viruses
carried by at least six other groups of Homo Sapiens
Neanderthals wiped out yet their DNA lives on in us
likewise one-quarter million in Mexico City
seemingly vanquished by 126 Spaniards
not so, viruses, smallpox specifically
travelled first with scouts and did the job
even Montezuma who ruled, hence his revenge
on gringo travellers ever since
Most heartening, to me, is the story of early Haiti
where renegade slaves used yellow fever season cleverly
thwarting the French and subsequent European hordes
Less so, the fact enslaved Africans from known epicentres
of malaria went for higher prices in Louisiana
prized for their immunity not their humanity
There is more, much more about human folly
but also smart public policy
waterworks, sewage treatment, vaccinations, ventilation
yet greedy hoarding of vaccines by the world's wealthiest countries
penalized the poor who most need affordable public health care
(May God damn the International Monetary Fund & World Bank cabals!)
& yet more, fascinating more, from paleontologist's discoveries behind scholarly paywalls brought to this keen reader now prosily proselytising: Read This Book!
Pathogenesis: A History of the World in Eight Plagues by Jonathan Kennedy (Signal Editions, an imprint at McClelland & Stewart in Canada): 2023